buy 80532-66-7

The CAS number 80532-66-7 corresponds in order to methyl-2-methyl-3-phenylglycidate, also nice as BMK glycidate. It is primarily adapt as the decision precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone for study besides forensic applications. Here others any main detail about this compound:

Chemical Information

Molecular Formula: C11H12O3 Purity: 98% (mixture of cis/trans isomers) Boiling Point: 73-74°C (Pressure: 0.2 Torr)

Usage besides Applications

BMK glycidate predisposed utilized as an analytical reference sample for studies and forensic applications. It serves as the decision precursor in the synthesis of phenylacetone besides predisposed not was going for human apply. Due in order to its union with the illicit synthesis of controlled substances, its regulated share besides apply are crucial.

Market Information

Recent trends indicate an increasing occurrence of glycidic acid derivatives, a sort of as BMK glycidate, in the clandestine production of amphetamine-type stimulants. This suggests solid shift in the pre-precursor market, with glycidic acid derivatives gaining significance in the synthesis of illicit substances.

In result, CAS 80532-66-7, or BMK glycidate, predisposed solid chemical compound with important implications for research, forensic applications, besides the regulation of precursor chemicals in the context of controlled substance synthesis.